Ihar Cišyn: Stalin Kaput

Ihar Ciśyn, A Philosopher

Ihar Ciśyn, series

Archive! © Published in pARTisan #1’2002

Abstract (the original text you can read on Belarusian)


Juraś Y presents his conversation with Ihar Cišyn, an outstanding postmodern Belarusian artist and conceptual story writer, who also experiments in installations. In his interview entitled Stalin Kaput Juraś Y appeals to Cišyn’s story Gog and Magog.

Discussing partisan struggle in Belarus, Ihar Cišyn airs his view that the Belarusians have always lived a life of partisans, so it is only natural that non-conventional artists feel as if they were secret agents of the West whose mission is to alter the local cultural condition. But if the government goes on to support and guide experimental art, there is a danger that it might cease being experimental and turn into officialese.

However, it seems very unlikely, since in this country the only art the government supports is the one it can make use of. The best kind of support would be a civilised political system accompanied by economic growth, which would foster further development of art and culture, says Ihar Cišyn.

His point is that the artist cannot stay away from politics and the government does not favour the avant-garde, feeling that it is alien to its power.

Translated by Volha Kalackaja. Photoserias by Ihar Cišyn Light Partisan Movement you can see HERE

© photos by Siarhiej Źdanović

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